Another school year has officially started. And children who are going to school are really excited. They are excited to meet new friends and use their new school materials. That is if they HAVE new things.
Most children in Sambag Dos, the poor area beside our Community Center, long to have new school materials in the coming school year. However, their parents could barely afford money for food, much more money for new school materials.
So, we are so thankful when Jemima and her team decided to donate school starter packs for 100 kids from the community. They brought notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, rulers, scissors, and other small things. Then they placed them into plastic envelopes, ready to distribute to the children who are eagerly waiting outside the gate.
Through this effort, we are giving more than just school materials to these kids. We are giving them hope and inspiration to go to school and do their best. Thank you for being that inspiration.
Together we can make a difference!