Our Stories


Visit to Sponsor Kids in South Cebu

To be honest, there is a big world out there and there is a bigger need to be solved. For Rise Above, we have been trying to reach out to the many families who need our help. And it’s not just in Cebu City, but as well as to those ...
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Rotary Club of Cebu Sponsors Food for 500 Kids

“Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing is, when you’re gone that light is going to keep shining on, pushing the shadows back.” ― Charles de Lint We are always so grateful to have volunteers and people ...
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Food Program for Poor Children in Cebu

In the Philippines, there are around 7 million children who are suffering from hunger and malnutrition. This is according to a survey taken by United for Healthier Kids last year, 2017. And the main reason for this is poverty. For this reason, we are so thankful to all the kindhearted ...
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July Dental Mission with the Danish Team

After just one week after the dental team from the USA came, we did another round of dental mission. This time, with 11 dentists from Denmark. It was 2-weeks of non-stop work for the dental team. The first week, the dental mission was held at Camp 7 National High School ...
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Dental Mission with University of Pacific Dental Team

Just as the month of June was about to end, we received a volunteer dental team from the University of Pacific in San Francisco. Every year the University sends a dental Charity team to a poor country in South and Central America, but this year they chose to work together ...
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Mexicans Volunteered at the Rise Above Community Center

Alex and Roberta, the founders of Travelers with Cause, organized a team of 10 Mexican volunteers who came here to Cebu to do community service and activities with us at Sambag Dos as well as other communities nearby. During the 13 days that the volunteers were at the center, they ...
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