
FAQs about Volunteering

There are many ways to volunteer with us. You can read more about our Volunteer Program here, or get to know more about our ongoing Projects here.

Should you have other volunteer ideas in mind, feel free to contact us with your proposal.


You can come in for a day, or you can volunteer for days or weeks if you’d like.

There are different things you can volunteer for in one day:

  1. You can sponsor the Food Sharing Program, feeding 400-500 children.
  2. You can arrange a birthday party for yourself or a family member, for as many children as you’d like. We will invite the number and age group of children you have decided on. You can help cook the food to be served or arrange for a food provider (ex. Jollibee or McDonalds) to bring in the food – even with their mascot, if you like. You can arrange the games and bring giveaways for the children.

For those staying in for longer volunteer periods, you can book an aircon room with WiFi and stay at the Rise Above Community Center while volunteering. If you plan to stay there for days or weeks, we ask for a CV to get to know you so we can work out a good schedule and activities fit for you. You can teach music, dance, arts and crafts, sports, etc.

Please see: (RAF Volunteer Intro)

Of course you can leave, but if you have paid for your stay, then this amount is non-refundable.

You will pay for any personal expenses you have while with us. The amount you pay while living with us covers your accommodation and 3 meals a day.

There are many benefits to volunteering. Please watch the video here.

You would need a kind and caring heart, and are expected to actively partake in the different activities.

You will receive a Certificate of Appreciation at the end of your volunteer period.

You are coming to work as a volunteer. We always like to give training, but  we do not have a training program. You will, of course, have an orientation with our Center Head before the volunteer period.

If you have skills in social media/updating web pages/marketing, then it is possible. Contact us here.

If you have skills in social media/updating web pages/marketing, then it is possible. You can also help by donating. Please write us with your proposal.

We prefer that you are 18 years or older.

Yes, we are open to take in groups, and as a family, children can also volunteer.

Please write us regarding this: riseabove@riseabove-cebu.org

You will not be alone, but will work together with Rise Above personnel.

This will have to be discussed, so please write to us: riseabove@riseabove-cebu.org

You are always welcome to write us and ask specific questions.

Sign-up to volunteer below

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