All Smiles for the Toothbrushing Program in Gun-ob Elementary School

Rise Above welcomed the year 2020 with high hopes, implementing programs non-stop to address the needs of different communities in Cebu, Philippines. The first project held at the very beginning of the year, as part of the foundation’s Health and Hygiene Programs, is the teeth4life Program.

On January 7, the year-long project was launched in Gun-ob Elementary School, in partnership with Colgate Philippines and a group of Dental Hygienists from Denmark. The initial implementation of the program, which aims to promote proper oral hygiene and raise dental health awareness among grade school children, teachers, and parents, took place from January 7 to 9 and January 27 to February 7.

Assisted by the Rise Above staff, a team of three Dental Hygienists and two Nutritionists visited each classroom to teach the children good oral hygiene and proper handwashing, and encourage them to eat healthier meals and avoid sugary food and drinks. Afterwards, the children were shown how to thoroughly brush their teeth through a demonstration.

Parents and teachers were then gathered in an assembly where they were oriented about the program. In the coming months, it will be up to these adults to assist the children in practicing healthy habits at home and in school. A year’s supply of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and hand soaps were provided by Colgate Philippines and Rise Above partner sponsors. If you also wish to donate to the Toothbrushing and Handwashing Program, for only 1US$ per child per year, you may do so through this link.

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