Distribution of Rice to Struggling Families

Our dear friends from Switzerland, Heinz and Eva, have lived in Cebu for a few years already, and they enjoy volunteering with Rise Above. Recently the Rotary Club that Heinz is the president of, collected funds and purchased 500 kg rice to be distributed to poor families that were affected by the Corona lockdown. The teams at The Family Care Center and the Rise Above Community Center packaged bags of 5 kg rice for each of the 100 families that were invited to receive the food package. The beautiful red bags were produced by the women from the RecyBags project.

The local police have been very helpful whenever we would arrange a food program. This time they were the ones who chose the recipients as they already knew who were the most needy. The recipients came from the Guadalupe and Sapangdaku barangays. Sapangdaku is in the hillside area of Cebu.

Initiatives like this makes a big difference for the poor and struggling families who happily thanked Heinz and the Rotary Club for the rice they received. 

You also can initiate a program.
Contact us at the address below!

E-mail: riseabove@riseabove-cebu.org
Landline: +63 32 255 1063
Mobile: +63 927 222 2262
Facebook: Rise Above Foundation Cebu

To know more about the different projects of Rise Above Foundation Cebu, Inc., you can visit our website through this link: https://riseabove-cebu.org/projects/.

Together we can make a difference!

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