Wow! What a year!! This little devil has caused untold suffering and problems during the year 2020. Not only here in Cebu, but all over the world, and most affected is of course the many poor people living in cramped living conditions with limited income. No work means no money, no money means no food and if the Filipino families hadn’t been as good as they are to help each other, I think we would have seen many people dying of hunger.
Because of the many Covid-19 restrictions, most of the Rise Above Foundation’s projects closed, but fortunately we have been able to keep up the Food Sharing project and the distribution of aid packages as far as finances permitted. We would have liked to help all the poor families, but because of financial limitations we had to choose those most needy in the areas we work in. Often, when doing the food sharing and distribution of the aid packages, we had the assistance of the local police, simply to avoid riots.

To avoid the spreading of the virus, schools were closed down, and still are, and the kids are doing school at home. One of the parents collect the teaching modules at the school and are then supposed to teach their kids at home. This is very difficult for the families for several reasons. Most of the parents do not have any education that enables them to teach their children and the living areas are very small and cramped. And because of that we have been given permission to open up our Community Center as a “Home School” and are able to take in 22 students every day to do “Home School”. This also gives us the opportunity to serve the kids who attend the “Home School” one good meal a day.

We hope to be able to continue the Food Sharing and “Home School” projects as long as needed, but we would also like to include as many as possible in our yearly “Christmas Aid Package” which would mean that families can have a good Christmas meal and hopefully a little gift for their children.
To do that we need your help!
You can help spread Christmas Cheer by sponsoring a surprise Christmas visit from the Rise Above team, where we give out Christmas Aid packages with groceries and an envelope with a small cash donation for them to use as they see fit.
Our Christmas gift-giving is one of the highlights of the Christmas Season! It brings the Joy of Christmas into places where it often is a daily struggle to survive. The Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t made things easier for the poor people and it is our hope and prayer that you will be able to help us help others. – Any amount, big or small is greatly appreciated.
Send gifts via PayPal using
or via Bank Transfer to
Bank of the Philippine Islands – Rise Above Foundation Cebu, Inc.
Account No.: 9131 0050 64 – SWIFT/BIC: BOPIPHMM
Thank you for considering the – Christmas Gift to Poor Families – Project

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a safe entry into the New Year!
PS. Please feel free to share this letter with your friends and network.